
This section of the Interface is where you can choose elements to add to your scene.

The Library is a collapsable menu along the bottom edge of the Game Maker window, where you can find all the Blocks and Assets you can use to build your experience.

Opening the Library

HotKey: You can use the L key to open and close the Library.

Click & Drag: You can left-click and hold on the tab at the bottom edge of the screen and then drag it up or down to reveal or hide the Library.

Toggle: You can click the white arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen to toggle the Libray window on and off.

Filtering the Library

The Library shows all of the Elements you can add to your scene, and there are two main controls you can use to filter through these Elements to make finding the pieces you need quicker and esier.

The first set of filters is by Status and Element Type, which can be found to the left of the Library.

The Second way to filter is by Variable, this includes the Rarity, Theme, Gems, Category, and Name of the Element.

Filter by Status & Type

In this section of the Library you can filter by Elements you Own, To filter by Element types - Blocks, Entities, Equipment, and Art use the list on the left side of the menu.

Filters act as a toggle, so you can activate more than one Element type at a time.

Owned: Toggling Owned will show Elements you have in your inventory. These will be Elements you have either bought, claimed, or created.

Draft: Will only show Elements that have been created by you, but have not been published yet.

Block: This will show the Block Elements you have available for terraforming.

Entities: Will show only Assets that you can place in your scene as Objects.

Equipment: This option will display the Assets an Avatar can equip. Equipment is specifically designed with nodes that allow an Asset to match up with the appropriate parts of an avatar's body.

Art: This option displays Assets tagged as Art only, which are often rare decorative or collector's items that aren't designed for functionality in the Game Maker.

Click on an Element in the Library to open the Properties panel, showing all its information.

Filtering by Variable

Filters allow you to quickly specify your research by Favorite, Rarity, Theme, Gems, Category, Name.

The Search Bar allows you to quickly search for something by its Name.

The Library then displays the results at the same time as you write something. Use the cross to fully remove what you typed.

2️⃣ Favourites

Filtering by Favourites in the Library requires you to already have Elements marked as Favourites by clicking the star in the top right corner of the desired Element.

Once an Element has the Favourites star toggled on, it will appear in the list when this filter is chosen.

Adding your most used Elements to Favorites makes them easily accessible with just a few clicks, no matter how many items you have in your Library.

3️⃣ Rarity

The Rarity menu provides a drop-down selection for each of the four Asset Rarities - Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, or None.

You can select none, one, or multiple rarities. Click on them individually to customize your filter.

Assets are outlined in the colour of their rarity allowing for quick identification in the Library and the ToolBar.

Once a filter has been chosen, only Assets of the selected Rarity will display in the Library until unchecked or the filter is reset.

4️⃣ Theme

The Theme filter allows you to display Elements by the information assigned to them when they were created.

Themes ranged from City, Fantasy, Heros, Horror, Rural, Scientists, Sci-Fi, Magic, Medieval, Nature, None, Oracles, Realistic, Rural, and Scientists, with new themes added as the Marketplace evolves.

Click on them individually or select multiple Themes to customize your filter.

5️⃣ Gems

Using the Gems filter will let you quickly identify which of your Assets have specific gem modifiers attached to them.

The different kinds of Gems you can filter for are Speed, Defense, Magic, Power, and Luck.

The number and type of Gem on an asset can be seen in the top right-hand corner of an asset's thumbnail as well as in the Properties Panel to the right of the screen.

6️⃣ Category

When opened, the Category menu allows you to select from a range of categories, defined by the creator when uploaded to the Marketplace.

You can click on individual or multiple categories to filter your search.

The current list of categories includes Furniture, Fantasy, City, Building, Building, Electric, Medieval, Metal, Magic, Machine, Sci-Fi, Nature, Wood, Plant Retro, Horror, Rural, Animal, Decoration, Technology, Monster, Terrain, Pirates, Tool, Stone, Humanoid, Weapon.

This list of categories is subject to change as the Game Maker and Marketplace evolve to accommodate more options and customizations.

7️⃣ Sort By

The Sort By Dropdown reveals 4 ways to order the Elements in the Library.

Name (A-Z): Displays Elements following their Names in Ascending order.

Name (Z-A): The Library displays Elements following their Names in Descending order.

Rarity (Ascending): Displays Elements following their Rarities, from Common to Legendary.

Rarity (Descending): Displays Elements following their Rarities, from Legendary to Common.


Each page has a number that can be clicked on to navigate to that page.

You can also use the left arrow to go to the previous page and use the right arrow to go to the next page.

Last updated