Placing Assets

Assets can be selected from the Library or added to your toolbar and then added to your land.

Adding Assets to your game

You can choose to place ASSETs like animals, trees, buildings, weapons and many more to build your experience. You have access to a large selection of default assets, as well as the option to purchase assets from the Marketplace.

You can create your own characters and NPCs using VoxEdit.

Selecting Your Asset

  1. In the Game Maker, Press 'L' to bring up your Asset library.

  2. Drag the Assets you want to use to the Toolbar or directly into your scene.

Add assets to your ToolBar first to help maintain a clear idea of the tone and intentions you have for the scene.

  • Click on the OBJECT for a single selection.

  • Drag to select multiple OBJECTs

Once an OBJECT is selected, it has a Yellow outline.

The move tool to the left of the screen allows you to move your asset in 3D space along the X, Y and Z-axis. Selecting just one of these arrows will keep movement locked to that axis.

↔️ X: is the Horizontal Axis: from Left to Right, coloured in Red

↕️ Y: is the Vertical Axis: from Bottom to Up, coloured in Green

↗️↙️ Z: is the Depth Axis: from Front to Back, coloured in Blue

You can move individual objects and groups of objects this way.

To move multiple objects hold SHIFT as you click objects individually to add to the selection, or click and drag to add them to the selection. The pivot point of movement is automatically defined at the center of all the selected objects.

Once selected, you can hold down shift to move the asset in half-block increments along the grid. This makes it much easier to align assets quickly with assets or surfaces.

Combined Movement

You can also use the space between Gizmos to move along 2 axes at once.

Move X & Y

Place your mouse cursor between the X & Yarrows to reveal a vertical square. Click and drag to move on both X & Y axes at the same time.

Move X & Z

Place your mouse cursor between X & Z arrows to see a horizontal square. Click and drag to move on both X & Z axes at the same time.

Move Y & Z

Place your mouse cursor between Y & Z arrows reveal a vertical square. Click and drag to move on both Y & Z axes at the same time.

Move X, Y, & Z

Place your mouse cursor in the centre of all the axes arrows to reveal a small cube. Click and drag to move on all axes at the same time.

The Rotate tool allows you to rotate your asset in 3D space along the X, Y, and Z-axis.

🔃X: is a rotation around the X axis, colored in Red

🔁Y: is a rotation is around the Y axis, colored in Green

🔄Z: is a rotation is around the Z axis, colored in Blue You can use the Rotate tool on for multiple objects at once. The pivot point of Rotation is automatically defined at the center of all the selected objects.

Hold shift to rotate the selected asset in 45-degree increments.

Combined Rotation

You can rorate an object along multipl axes at once by placing your mouse cursor between two Rotation Gizmos, then click and drag to rotate in the direction of your choosing.

Last updated