Top Bar

This section of the Interface lets you publish, save and change settings for the entire experience.

Top Bar Sections

The Top Bar consists of the Home button, quick Save, Undo, Redo, project Rules, Global Parameters, Mode options (Editor and Play) Share and Publish options, and Settings.

The Home button will take you back to the Game Maker home screen where you can start new projects or continue with existing ones or templates.

When you click the Home button you will be prompted to save, as you will lose any work you have done if you exit and close the window without saving.

The Save button saves your project to the cloud in its current state. It's important to know that there is no 'save as' feature and the save will overwrite the previous save for the current project.

The next two buttons, Undo and Redo, indicated by two arrows, will step forward and back through recent changes up to 15 times in either direction.

It can help to keep the number of times you have used 'undo' in mind, as once you pass that number you are committed to your current changes and would manually need to update anything you want to revise once beyond that point.

The Rules section of the Top Bar relates to the Quest System for the Game Maker. This allows you to define what tasks someone visiting your experience can activate and track.

It helps to have a good understanding of Logic and Triggers in the Game Maker using Messages when using Rules.

To learn more about how to use Rules and create quests you can head to the Rules page.

This section lets you set Parameters that apply to the whole scene.

This menu is broken down into settings for the Avatar, Camera, Controller, and Ambience, and the settings range from changing the perspective the user has inside your experience, to the total health points of the Avatar.

For a detailed guide through all the variables available inside this menu head to the Global Parameters page.

The Editor & Play buttons let you show what mode you're in.

The Editor is for building your experience - this is the default view of the Game Maker.

Pressing Play will let you try out your experience as though you were in the Game Client.

You can use the TAB key as a shortcut to quickly toggle in and out of Edit and Play mode

When you are ready, the paper aeroplane icon will soft-publish your experience to the Draft Gallery.

Using the Draft Gallery doesn't publish your experience to LAND and isn't accessible through The Sandbox Metaverse.

This is where you can invite the community to test out the working version of your experience before the final live publish to LAND in the Metaverse.

All Assets in your experience must be published to the Marketplace before you can soft-publish to the Draft Gallery.

Once everything is in place you can:

  • Click the 'Paper plane' button in the top right corner.

  • Fill out the 'Name of the Game' and 'Description' fields.

  • Click the 'Share' button.

Done! Now you and others will be able to see in the gallery and play your experience.

Note that Publishing to The Sandbox Land is currently unavailable.

The spherical icon allows you to publish from the Game Maker to a piece of Land in The Sandbox Metaverse.

The Settings on the far right of the Top Bar lets you adjust screen settings, resolution, SFX volume, and music volume.

You can also get a quick list of controls featuring the keyboard and mouse shortcuts for both the Edit and Play modes of the Game Maker.

Last updated