Launch your Project

Its time to share your creation with the world. Showcase your creation with high quality material.

A banner/header for your experience

  • This needs to be portrait-orientated.Size: 970px X 500px.

  • In JPG and SVG formats in the highest quality possible.

  • No text or logos should be on this.

  • The banner can feature a scene from within your project.

  • At least one is required, but two or three are recommended.

A logo for your experience

  • One light version (two recommended).

  • One dark version (two recommended).

  • Size: 300px X 400px. JPG and SVG formats in the highest quality possible.

A logo for the map

The size required for the map logo depends on your LAND's size and shape. In JPG and SVG formats in the highest quality possible.

Videos of your finished experience

  • At least one video is needed. Two is the recommended number.

  • This can be an amazing trailer, a teaser or a short gameplay video.

  • Try to avoid gameplay spoilers in the videos (ie, don't show puzzle answers or secret area locations).

  • Publish to your project's own YouTube channel and website after the experience is launched.

Screenshots of your finished experience

  • At least ten images. Feel free to create more if you wish.

  • These need to be high quality (ie, no blurring, obscuring, etc).

  • JPG, PNG and SVG formats accepted.

  • Size: 1920px X 1080px.

  • Try to avoid gameplay spoilers in the screenshots (ie, don't show puzzle answers or secret area locations).

Two descriptions of your experience

  • A short description (or a blurb, in other words) of up to 125 characters.

  • A long description of up to 1,300 characters.

Engage users in the long description by making the player excited or intrigued.

Ensure the project's objective is mentioned in the description.

There will be lots of eyes on this copy, so we encourage you to use a grammar/spelling checker. If English is not your first language, don't worry - try your best (using a translator if you'd prefer).

Unless specifically referencing a character from the experience - try to avoid using gender pronouns (he/she/him/her). Referencing specific genders can alienate players who do not identify as those genders.

NFTs Renders

  • Provide static (still image) versions, as well as rotating (gif/mp4) versions.

  • The ideal size for the best quality images is 1080px x 1080px.

  • 800px x 800px can also work, as long as they are of very high quality.

  • Use The Sandbox logo on them to let people know where your creations will reside!

NFT Description

If you have a custom ASSET collection then write a short description of your collection.

Again, take the time to double check your grammar and spelling before submitting. We want you to have everything running smoothly for your launch!

Last updated