Behaviours & Gems

Different Gems affect specific Behaviours and their underlying variables.

Since any asset can be set with any behaviour, there are potential use cases for every gem, however, if you are creating an ASSET that is intended to perform a specific function, it can be useful to know which Gems synergise with the correlating behaviour used for that function.

Below is a list of Behaviours that have variables directly affected by the specific gems.

In the Game Maker, you can identify which Behaviours and Components use which Gems by looking for colour coded dots on the selection screen when adding them to an object.

Basic Platform

Speed controls the speed the object with the behaviour will move to and from the defined origin and destination points.

Bird Behaviour

This Behaviour uses three gems, Speed, Power, and Magic.

An Object assigned with this Behaviour will move in circles, and the gems it has attached define the height and width of this movement. Because this Behaviour creates motion without the need for the Object to be in contact with a level surface you can use it to create horizontal and vertical movement - which can be useful when applied to other objects such as fish.

Speed controls how fast the object can move.

Power defines the minimum and maximum width - horizontal movement - the object will be able to travel. This can be useful for setting how far the object can diverge from a perfect circle.

Magic defines the minimum and maximum height - vertical movement an object will be able to travel.


Behaviours that be used to create non-player characters (NPCs) can fulfil a lot of different roles. The Gems you give them will change their attributes, and in turn, make them potentially more suitable for one role over another.

That being said, behaviour can be edited by Experience creators when they use the Asset, so don’t worry if you’re not sure if a character should be friend or foe, as the way the asset is used will vary from creator to creator.

Using the Speed, Power, and Defence gems have the greatest impact on the Behaviours generally used for NPCs.


The Citizen Behaviour turns an Object into a non-aggressive NPC that can roam a defined area and flee when it detects enemies.

Speed affects the Walk Speed and Run Speed attributes of the Behaviour. This changes how fast they can walk around or run from enemies when attacked or if an enemy is detected.

Defence affects the Enemy Detection variable, which controls the maximum range at which the NPC is able to detect objects tagged as enemies.


This behaviour turns an object into an NPC that can collect other objects with a specific tag. This can be a great way to make an Experience feel more alive, with objects seeming to go about the experience doing tasks.

Speed affects the Walk Speed and Run Speed attributes of the Behaviour. This changes how fast they can walk around while collecting objects, as well as how quickly they move fleeing from enemies when attacked or detected.

Defence affects the Enemy Detection variable, which controls the maximum range at which the NPC is able to detect objects tagged as enemies.

Luck affects the Gathering Speed attribute, which defines how far the NPC can see when looking for items to collect.


This behaviour turns an object into an NPC that restores the health points of tagged objects when in range.

Speed affects the Walk Speed variable, which determines the movement speed of the NPC while idle. Flee Speed determines the movement speed of the NPC once an object tagged as an enemy has been detected. Help Speed - The number of blocks travelled per second when a tagged object is detected that needs health points restored. And the Healing Speed variable, which defines how many times the tagged object has its health restored per second.

Defence affects the Enemy Detection variable, which controls the maximum range at which the NPC is able to detect objects tagged as enemies.

Magic affects the Heal Range variable, which is the distance at which the NPC will be able to restore hit points to the player or tagged objects, and the Healing Value variable, which controls the number of health points restored to the object.

Luck affects the Healing Detection attribute which defines at what range the NPC can detect the tagged object.

Melee Enemy

This behaviour can be used to create a default enemy.

Speed affects the Motion Speed variable, which changes the number of blocks the object travels while chasing a target. It also affects the objects Attack Rate, which defines the time between each attack.

Power affects Attack Damage, which defines how many hit points the NPC will do in damage with each blow they deal.


The Soldier is similar to the Melee Enemy, but it attacks objects tagged as enemies instead of the Player tagged as Avatar.

Speed applies to the Walk Speed variable, which changes the number of blocks the object travels while idle. Runs Speed variable, which changes the number of blocks the object travels while chasing a target. Attack Speed variable, which changes the time between each attack.

Power affects Attack Damage, which defines how many hit points the NPC will do in damage with each blow they deal.

Luck affects the Detection Range variable, which controls the maximum range at which the NPC will detect objects it has tagged to attack.


The Predator Behaviour applies an internal hunger bar that depletes over time. When low, the Predator will search for objects nearby it has tagged to attack, which is set to Avatar and Prey by default.

Speed defines how fast it moves, chases and eats. Walk Speed is the number of blocks travelled per second when idle. Chase Speed defines the number of blocks travelled per second when chasing a target. Attack Speed defines the number of attacks that can be performed per second.

Power affects the Attack Damage done by the Asset per attack.

Luck affects Detect Range, which is the distance at which a target tagged to attack will make the asset chase and attack the target.


The Prey Behaviour has an internal hunger bar that depletes over time. When low, the object assigned with this behaviour will search for objects tagged as food, which is set to plants by default.

Speed defines how fast it moves, flees and eats. Flee Speed determines the movement speed of the NPC once an object tagged as an enemy has been detected.

Defence affects the Enemy Detection variable, which controls the maximum range at which the NPC is able to detect objects tagged as hostile.

Luck affects the Food Detection variable, which determines the range at which objects tagged as food can be detected.

Last updated