
Find your way in Game Maker with core tutorial videos and hands-on activities to learn about building a physical world and applying logic.

Basic Tutorial Videos

Use these videos to learn about navigating Game Maker, blocks and assets, and logic or try a hands-on activity below.

Hands-on Activities to Learn Fast

These activities are sequenced to help you learn the core functionalities of Game Maker, and will help you learn workflows to make great Experiences!

Once you've learned the basics, see other helpful Resources to create your own projects.

1. ▶️ Learn Play/Test Mode Camera & Controls

This is an EASY activity anyone can do, which will teach you how to create a new game and move the camera and your avatar in Game Maker. You will learn additional controls for the camera in Build mode and how to place blocks in the next activity.


  • Launch Game Client OR

  • Launch Game Maker, create a 1x1 Experience and press TAB to begin Play mode

2. 🏗️ Learn Build Mode Camera & Block Controls

This is an EASY activity anyone can do, and will show you the controls needed to navigate while building in Game Maker and terraform with blocks. Once you know how to navigate and build with blocks, you'll be ready to place and manipulate objects in Activity 3.

Launch Game Maker

  • Open the Experience from Activity 1 or start a new one

3. 📐 Place & Position Assets

This is an EASY activity anyone can do. It will introduce asset placement and movement in the Game Maker to build a scene.

Launch Game Maker

  • Open or create an Experience.

4. 🤺 Customize Object Behaviours with Tags

This is a MEDIUM difficulty activity using simple behaviours to create custom interactions between objects.

This activity will explore some behaviors that use AI decision making. They are programmed to detect and respond in certain ways to other objects that have specific tags, or identifiers. Tags are included when a behaviour is added to an object to make it easy to build objects that are ready to interact.

Launch Game Maker

  • Open or create an Experience.

5. ✉️ Create Object Cause & Effect with Messages

This is a MEDIUM difficulty activity using behaviours and components to create simple logic systems with objects.

This activity will help you learn the basics of communication in Game Maker using messages to create cause and effect.

Launch Game Maker

  • Open or create an Experience and move to an area with empty space.

  • Let's turn the grid off and focus on logic.

Some behaviors and components are only available as [MP], which means they are multiplayer synchronized. For this activity, choose [MP] only when a [SP] option isn't available.

Designing gameplay with [SP] and [MP] logic will be explored later.

Coming Soon

6. Integrate Quests with Object Logic

This is a MEDIUM difficulty activity using Quests to guide players through your game and use indicators to help players find quest objects like important characters collectables, etc.

7. ⚙️ Add Looping Game Mechanics with Rules

This is a MEDIUM difficulty activity using Game Rules to set up engaging mechanics that can be used repeatedly to unlock more gameplay varieties.

This activity will introduce the new Game Rules system and its basic tools, including presets to save time building game mechanics.

🔹pageGame Rules

8. 👥 Design Logic for Multiplayer Games

This is a ADVANCED difficulty activity to learn about setting up logic layers for multiplayer games, which combines logic individual players experience and synchronized logic all players experience.

This activity will explore how to design layers of logic for multiplayer synchronised gameplay.

♦️pageBuild Singleplayer & Multiplayer Logic


🟦pageLearn Creator Basics

Find comprehensive details on Game Maker

Boost performance with best practices

Add game polish with useful logic schemas

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  • Ask for help (English) in the Game Maker Community Channel

  • File a ticket for a technical issue in the Game Maker Support Channel

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  • Basics to navigate Discord

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