Can you share your experience in the gamemaker phase for the community?

You can still share your experience in the Game Maker gallery.

When will the move to polygon happen for asset purchasing?

End of the year

Can we relocate the LAND experience through this feature?

You can choose and change the LAND where your experience will appear at any time.

If the land and experience is in Client's account, can it be self-publishing??

The Client’s account needs to be whitelisted to self publish

I published an experience, I needed to modify something after it was published. Can I modify and publish again? Or better to update it?

You Will need to unpublish, verify the assets are ok and publish again.

Will it be possible for us to get a client's account whitelisted? Also will we be able to move an experience between accounts?

You can move experiences and assets between accounts, but the LAND must be in the account that is self-publishing. You can ask for a client’s account to be whitelisted.

Will other collections for gating be available later?

Yes in second phase

If the account that owns the Land and the account that created the experience are different, can't it be published?

You will need to move the experience and assets to the account that owns the LAND.

Will NFT gating be available for official use before Alpha Season 4 or after?

Before S4. As soon as self publishing is available

Is it possible to give multiple tokens/NFTs access to an experience?

Not yet. Just one token ID at the time at launch.

IF we make 4 levels on 4 different 1x1 parcels, is it possible to have 1 page for the experience, but 4 parcels, with different nft gating for each level?

No. We are working on an Event page/feature to gather multiple experiences into 1 event page. Target is the end of the year.

Our GMF experience will be ready next month, built with 0.7+ and upgrading to 0.8 will cause many gameplay issues. Will there be a way to publish the experience without updating to 0.8?

We have one SB account by experience, do we need to whitelist all these accounts and need to have lands on each account we want to launch ?


If we want to leave the experience LIVE but make changes to the experience. Is that as easy as making the changes and repushing it live?

Yes. You will need to Close and Launch the experience again. Takes 1 minute.

If I have assets with Gems and Catalysts in logic parts, do I need to mint them?

No. No minting required to launch experience at launch.

What's the expected turnaround time for whitelisting an experience for publishing? And if it is already whitelisted for S4, does that effect whitelisting for self publishing?

No. You can be included in S4 and also get the chance to Self-Publish any of your experiences before S4.

Will it be possible for a user to "follow" an experience page to be updated when there is news about it? For example, notifying anyone who follows the page when a studio may add a launch date later. Thank you!

Not at launch. It’s in our roadmap.

Is there a limited number of access or we'll be able to publish our experience all?

If your account is whitelisted, you can publish as many experiences as you have, as long as you have enough LANDs to welcome them.

Is it possible to have more than 1 NFt to gate the experience without using a collection ?

Not yet. Just one token ID at the time at launch.

Can we connect adjacent lands to an estate to hold 2*2 experiences?

Soon. 1x1 experiences only or Estate is needed for larger experiences at launch

When an experience is gated to only ticket NFT holders, can players keep transferring the NFT to join in the experience? How can we prevent this?

Players can always transfer or sell the NFT to each other and you can not enter the experience if you transferred the NFT. As for rewards, the option we recommend is to grant rewards at a specific time and only among the NFT owners. If you transferred your Gating NFT, you will not earn rewards.

Is it possible to have a NFT Allow-list that only White-listed NFT's can be used in the experience?

Not planned yet. But we plan for Q3 an NFT sensor component, which allows creators to have their content react to the ownership of specific NFTs.

Do we have a private gating tool available?

You can use different NFT to gate the experience to different groups. Only owners of NFT β€œGroup1” can enter the experience for a period of time.

will we be able to transfer experiences between accounts again like we used to be able to?

Yes. Next week.

If I make an experience 2x1 and want to publish it, is the shape important? (vertical or horizontal) I own a 1x2 horizontal LAND

Yes shape is important. We will have a way to rotate your experience inside an estate soon.

If you have two 1x1's next to each other will we be able to publish a 2x1 game, or for now do those need to be published to an estate?

Estate is needed for now. We are planning to let you use 2 adjacent lands in the coming months.

Are experiences minted onto the land?

No. Experiences are not minted yet.

If the account that owns the Land and the account that created the experience are different, can't it be published?

Yes. The same account needs to own the LAND and the Experience

Is there any place on the TSB website, where people can check the whole list of games that are available or will be available to play?

The map on June 7 will be the place to find all experiences that are or will be available to play.

What steps should be done to place an NFT on the marketplace, to let people buy it, to gate this NFT ?

You will need to get access to minting rights. Minting on Polygon L2 will be available at the end of the year. Please check with your account manager to get minting L1 access.

So the QA is on the studio's side but what about marketing, do the self-launch XP get some love from TSB official accounts?

Experiences will be able to get featured on the Map. Please contact your account manager.

Will it be possible and permissible to duplicate a client's experience on more than one plot/more than one collection account?


We’re GMF. I can't see lands available there in my account. I’ll Receive that before publishing my game?

We are still working on different solutions to make sure your GMF experience will be available. At the moment you can buy a land thanks to the benefits of your NFT sales, or we will offer you the possibility to be hosted on a TSB estate.

When can NFTs start to function as utilities in games?

We plan for Q3 an NFT sensor component, which allows creators to have their content react to the ownership of specific NFTs bringing clear utilities in games

Will leaderboards be available as part of the experience metrics at launch of self-publishing? Can we have some insights at what metrics will be included in this.

There won’t be metrics ready for the whitelist first release. Please connect with your Account Manager to get metrics for your experience. Metrics will be added in the Hub for September launch. Leaderboards will come later.

For GMF. At what point of the development Can we request land for publishing the experience?

If it has been contractually agreed, please refer to the Statement of work / Master agreement related to the GMF production and get in touch with your account manager.

Will we be able to easily transfer all assets when transferring an experience between wallets?

Transfer of experiences between user accounts (not wallets) are possible from your inventory. It will work again next week. All non minted assets are transferred too in the process. If minted assets (NFT) are included in your experience, you will need to manually transfer those NTFs to the wallet of the new user.

Will we be able to publish a 3x3 experience? Or what is the limit on the size of the experience?

We do not recommend launching experiences bigger than 2x2 for good performance.

Can we publish all of the assets by one click, in order to publish one by one?

All assets that are not published will automatically be published when you launch your experience.

Where do players find our publish page?

Players will find your experience and published page on the map. You need to select one of your LAND from the Hub to have the page displayed on the Map. You can also share your page directly on social media.

Any way to have a ''version history'' or to be able to ''Save As'' another name of an experience so we don't delete or break our experience by mistake and lose everything?

At the moment we do not have a version history. But we have the ability to duplicate the experience, that works just like a save as feature, and make backups.

Last updated