❗Security Warning

Important security information

Beware of fake recruitment scams!

  • You may at some point see on social media a "job" offer.

  • This offer commonly asks for game testers, beta testers, or moderators. Though other varied roles may also be used.

  • Sometimes they also make a payment offer in the post that sounds too good to be true, though not always.

  • This may be a type of scam where a scammer is attempting to steal KYC data.

How does the scam work?

  • The scammer will tell you that you need to pass KYC before you can apply or begin working for them.

  • They will offer you a link to complete this KYC so that you can apply or work for them.

  • In fact, the link is a fake one that, instead of submitting your KYC for verification, stores and steals it from you. The KYC can then be used on other websites without your knowledge.

How to avoid this scam

  • Only apply for jobs that are listed on and vetted by official job search websites, as opposed to random offers on social media.

  • Refuse to complete any KYC process until you have been through the interview stage and are certain the job offer is legitimate.

  • When performing KYC verification at The Sandbox, make sure the link is https://www.sandbox.game/me/settings/account-verification/. And that, when you begin the KYC verification process, the provider is Synaps.

Last updated