😦Rejection Reasons

A list of reasons why your KYC might be rejected by Synaps.

In some cases, your identification documents may be rejected by Synaps. This page offers some of the reasons why your ID may have been rejected. Click the expandable boxes below to learn more about each rejection reason and how to potentially resolve it.

The Sandbox understands that individuals with certain visual or motor complications may have difficulty with taking photographs of their document or video liveness of their face. In this case please consider asking a family member or friend to assist you.

Photography or Liveness Quality Reasons

The document needs to be clearly readable. There should be no obstructions to the information or security markers on the document.

Parts of the document or your face are hidden
  • There are objects, light glare, your cat's tail, or similar covering the document.

  • The four corners of the document are not visible.

  • There are fingers or other body parts in the photograph.

  • Part of your face might be missing in the liveness video challenge. Try to keep your face within the circle and move only your arms, not your face itself.

The environmental lighting is too bright or too dark.
  • Reflections from light glare or bright lights will prevent the document from being read correctly.

    • Avoid using flash on photography equipment such as smartphones.

    • Avoid placing the document directly under a light source, such as a lamp or on a window sill.

  • The environment is too dark, meaning the document, or parts of it, cannot be read correctly.

    • Use a naturally-lit room or a room with "normal" lighting levels.

  • This also applies to the liveness challenge.

The photo or liveness challenge is in black & white or contains photographic effects
  • The image must be taken in its natural full colour state.

    • It must not be a black & white image. We're no longer in the Victorian Era.

    • This error may also be caused by being in a room that is too dark.

  • It must not have any visual effects or "filters".

    • Your ID or liveness challenge does not need cat's ears or sparkly butterflies on it.

The document's photograph or liveness challenge is in bad quality
  • The photograph/video may be too blurry or pixelated to read the document clearly.

  • The photograph/video may be out of focus.

  • The photograph/video may be "shaky" or "wobbly".

The wrong part of the document was photographed
  • Be sure to read the on-screen instructions carefully before taking a photograph of your document.

    • Depending on the document type, you'll be asked to provide an image of the top and bottom, or the front and back.

  • Some documents may have multiple pages, such as passports. Make sure you're on the correct requested page.

  • Similarly, make sure you are taking a liveness challenge of the correct body part. The liveness challenge needs to see your face, not your bottom (yes, for some reason, we need to make this clear...).

You do not look like your photograph
  • Your liveness challenge could fail if you do not look much like your ID's photograph.

    • For example, major differences in facial hair, the use/lack of glasses, you have headwear, you've had complete facial reconstruction surgery, you're using a filter to make yourself look like a puppy, or you've accidentally morphed into a werewolf because you hadn't realised it is a full moon.

  • In seriousness, it is unlawful in some countries to use an ID document if the photograph on it is no longer an accurate representation of yourself.

Document Quality Reasons

The document is in poor quality or is damaged
  • A damaged document makes it difficult to read the information, see your portrait, and identify the security markers on the document.

    • The document may be too crumpled.

    • The document may be too worn over time.

    • Edges of the document may be frayed.

    • The lamination may be peeling off.

    • There might be a cut or tear in the document.

    • There might be a stain or smear on the document.

  • In many countries it is unlawful to use a damaged document as a form of identity, doing so may lead to fines from local authorities.

The document is expired
  • Documents that have reached their expiration date cannot be accepted.

    • Using an expired document as a form of identity is unlawful in many countries and can usually lead to fines from local authorities.

The document is no longer an accepted form of identification in your nation
  • Some nations may have made changes to identity legalisation over the years. This may include scrapping certain ID document schemes.

The document you are submitting is not an official or recognised proof of identity document
  • The document you are submitting needs to be a photographic-type ID.

    • This means birth certificates cannot be accepted as proof of identity, for example.

      • A birth certificate provides proof of birth/nationality, not of identity.

  • The document needs to be one of the following:

    • Official passport, issued by the government.

    • Official national ID, issued by the government.

    • Official driving licence, issued by the government.

    • Official residence card, issued by the government.

The document is a copy, unoriginal, or is handwritten. ("The document you are trying to verify is not accepted")
  • Photocopies, print-outs, and so on, of identity documents are not a valid form of identification.

  • Handwritten documents are also not valid forms of identity.

    • The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has enforced a global ban on handwritten documents being used as international forms of identity.

    • While some handwritten IDs may be able to be used locally within your own country, they cannot be accepted internationally as proof of identification, as per ICAO's regulations.

  • Using either of the above as international identification could be seen as an act of fraud.

You are underage (Under 18)
  • The Sandbox Terms of Use state that you must be 18 years of age or older to open and operate an account at The Sandbox.

  • Many nations also have laws stating that minors under a certain age require constant parental or guardian supervision when online, which is something The Sandbox cannot regulate.

  • Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it is also unlawful for a company to knowingly collect and store the data of a minor.

  • Please read the Playing & Rewards section for more information.

The document is forged
  • Using a forged or fake document as identification is a criminal offence, namely fraud, which is punishable by custodial sentences in many countries.

  • We, for what should be plainly obvious reasons, will not be accepting forged ID documents.

  • This rejection reason may also be triggered due to documents being too damaged to see the security features within it correctly.

Other Reasons

You have a multiple account
  • The use of multiple accounts are forbidden at The Sandbox under most circumstances.

  • Each person may only have one KYC-verified account at The Sandbox.

  • This is for the purposes of fraud prevention (ie, to prevent people from claiming more rewards than they are eligible for, which is a crime of theft).

  • The Sandbox's community overwhelmingly requested that The Sandbox does its best to prevent multiple accounts.

Your document or nation is not yet accepted
  • Some forms of specific documents cannot be accepted.

    • For example, maybe they are far too easy to forge due to the lack of security features within them.

    • You can try a different type of document.

  • It is also possible that documents certain nations cannot yet be accepted.

    • This may be due to Synaps' system not yet being able to read the national documents.

    • It may also be because the nation's identity documents lack any form of security features within them, meaning they are too easy to forge.

    • It may also be due to international sanctions against your nation, which is not something The Sandbox nor Synaps have any control over.

The Sandbox welcomes individuals from all nations and cultures and will endeavour to expand the number of official documents we can accept.

The document contains inconsistencies

Too many attempts for the document
  • After trying and failing to submit a non-valid document 10 times in a row, you will no longer be able to submit it any further times.

I believe my document was rejected or flagged in error.

If you believe the reason for your KYC being rejected is in error, you are welcome to reach out to support. Please choose one of the options below.

  • Synaps Chat: Click the speech bubble icon in the top-right of the pop-up window that you see when starting the KYC process.

  • The Sandbox Email: Send an email to [email protected]. Note that this is the slowest method of contact, you may be waiting between 3 and 7 working days for a response.

  • The Sandbox Discord Support: Open a KYC Support Ticket in our Discord community. This is a live chat option, and response times will vary depending on the current support ticket queue.

Last updated