More about LAND

The community's most commonly-asked LAND questions - Answered!

General LAND FAQ

How many LANDs are there in The Sandbox?

There are a total 166,464 LANDs.

Where can I see the LANDs?
  • On the map which is located on The Sandbox's website. Click the "Map" icon on the left toolbar to go there.

  • Purchased LANDs are also found in your inventory. Click "Me" the left toolbar of the website to go to your profile. And then select the Inventory menu.

  • Alternatively, any NFTs, such as LANDs, that you own are viewable on as well as on NFT exchanges, such as OpenSea and Rarible.

How much buildable space is there on LAND?

A 1x1 LAND is 96 metres in width by 96 metres in length, making it a perfect square. They are also 128 metres in height.

In The Sandbox's metaverse, 1 metre is the equivalent of 32x32x32 voxels

When standing at the edge of a LAND, does it end with a blank void or can you see neighbouring LANDs?

We are working on a feature that will allow you to preview adjacent LANDs to the one you are currently standing on.

How can I add the LAND token to my wallet?

Buying & Owning LAND FAQ

Is there a limit on how much LAND I can own?

No, there are no limits on how many LANDs you own.

How do you buy LAND in official LAND sales?
How do you buy LAND from secondary marketplaces?
How do you rent LANDs?

This is an upcoming feature.

LAND Staking

What benefits does holding LAND offer for staking?
  • Multipliers: Holding LAND will grant you a multiplier in the "regular" staking program.

  • LAND Owner Program: LAND Owners can stake SAND in an exclusive staking pool.

Bridging & Migrating

What is the LAND Smart Contract migration?
  • Despite being audited by independent security firms, a vulnerability was found in the Ethereum LAND Smart Contract, between December 2021 and January 2022.

  • The vulnerability was not exploited by malicious actors.

  • As a result of the discovery, a new smart contract was created and deployed. The address of this smart contract is 0x5CC5B05a8A13E3fBDB0BB9FcCd98D38e50F90c38.

  • We also created and deployed a migration contract, allowing LAND Owners to effortlessly migrate their LAND from the old contract to the new one. The migration contract address is: 0x371f4c6fd305c6772Bc6224b795b0B46b6B6f8dB.

  • You can find more information in our Medium article here:

What is LAND Bridging, and how do I bridge LAND?

See About The Polygon Bridge for information. And Bridge LAND to Polygon for a guide.

Last updated