

a marketing technique in which crypto projects send their native tokens directly to the wallets of their users in an effort to increase awareness and adoption.


a publicly-accessible digital ledger used to store and transfer information without the need for a central authority. Blockchains are the core technology on which cryptocurrency protocols like Bitcoin and Ethereum are built.


a protocol allowing separate blockchains to interact with one another, enabling the transfer of data, tokens, and other information between systems.


meaning “build,” a common intentional misspelling used in crypto circles in reference to the term HODL


the process of removing tokens from a cryptocurrency’s circulating supply, usually done by sending them to an inaccessible wallet address. Other digital assets, such as NFTs, can also be burned via the same process.

Cold Wallet

an offline device used to store cryptocurrencies. Cold wallets can be hardware devices or simply sheets of paper containing a user’s private keys. Because cold wallets are not connected to the internet, they are generally a safer method of storing cryptocurrencies.

DAO- Decentralized Autonomous Organization

an organization based on open-source code and governed by its users. DAOs typically focus on a specific project or mission and trade the traditional hierarchical systems of legacy corporations for guidelines written on the blockchain.

DD - Due Diligence

the process of conducting your own research on a cryptocurrency, stock, or other asset before investing. Doing your own DD is essential, as opposed to making an investment based on what someone else says or does.


a system that operates without the control of a central figure or authority, and replaces it with a distributed peer-to-peer network.


initially short for “degenerate gambler.” While this still refers to individuals involved with risky bets, degen may also refer more broadly to anyone involved in crypto and financial spaces. Like with “ape,” this is generally a self-assigned term and does not carry a negative connotation. Degens are a proud people who enjoy ridiculous call options on GME, buying the dip before paying their rent, and occasionally aping into shitcoins.

DYOR- Do Your Own Research

similar to DD, this phrase is used to remind people to conduct their own investigation into an asset before investing in it.

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